A collective exhibition by
Chavis Mármol (Méx), Pablo Concha Soler (Chl) and Celestial Brizuela (Arg)
This exhibition is a play that intuitively seeks to place the viewer in the middle of a dynamic of prediscursive forces, forces of doing. The exhibition explores these forces as an essential power, as a process through which we can internalize and deploy in the world, that is, we can adapt. In doing we produce conditions that structure us ontogenically in our drift as a species and constitute the possibility of our becoming. In this sense, the doing to which we appeal is not a mechanical doing or for productive purposes, much less one commanded by exogenous instances, but a doing free of codes -perhaps the beginning of its possibility or its original moment- its effects fully commit us and shape our behavior in the world. This is a doing that binds us to the world before being able to "separate" ourselves from it, one that conceives the potential of the earth in its hands and its will is the beginning of life. This is the point of the exhibition in which the putting into play of this intends to submerge its spectators: a cave full of efforts -some meticulous, others more blunt- that make up an intuitive territory to refer us to the original contact where late in doing, from we can renew the ties of our work with the world that constitutes us and embrace a single life, where unx and otherness dissolve together.

Pablo Concha Soler
Serpiente, 2023
Wood carving
Variable measures

Chavis Mármol
Perro no come perro, 2023
Resin, graphite, and marble
110 x 120 x 120 cm
Chavis Mármol
Lotería genética n· 874747261527, 2023
Resin sculpture, enclosure powders, and sand
56 x 120 x 4 cm
Chavis Mármol
Lotería genética n· 874747261527, 2023
Resin sculpture, enclosure powders, and sand
45 cm x 40 cm x 4 cm

Celestial Brizuela y Chavis Mármol
Piedra / Laguna (De la serie “Una parte del todo”, 2023
Cement, styrofoam, resins, acrylics, wire, light, and a built-in battery
165 x 115 x 110 cm

Celestial Brizuela y Chavis Mármol
Piedra / Cenote (De la serie “Una parte del todo”, 2023
Cement, styrofoam, resins, acrylics, wire, light, and a built-in battery
165 x 115 x 110 cm

Celestial Brizuela y Chavis Mármol
Panal / Avispa (De la serie “Una parte del todo”, 2023
Cement, styrofoam, resins, acrylics, wire, light, and a built-in battery
165 x 115 x 110 cm